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Resources for Christians and seekers
Go Deep

Spiritual Practices for Youth Ministry

7-10 days processing
Woodlake Books
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7.25 x 9
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So you're involved in youth ministry. How do you lead? How do you know yourself and keep yourself connected? What personal practices do you embrace? How do you optimize your time with youth so that they (and you) may come to know God more fully? What resources might you use for practical help? Where would you find these ideas? Go Deep! Open Doris Kizinna's book and read about how to prepare and ground yourself, as youth leader, in your personal spiritual practice. Then, using practices drawn from many traditions and designed to open hearts and minds to an all-encompassing wonder of the Holy One, engage and mentor youth on the path of Christian spirituality. Go Deep offers inspiration and practical tools to youth leaders who want to develop and deepen their youth ministry, both for themselves and for the youth they minister to.

Doris Kizinna is currently the British Columbia Conference Minister for Youth, Young Adults, and their Leaders and has been building community in a faith context in the United Church for over twenty years. She is a seeker, an artist, an extravagant cook, a lover of God, and now a writer, who strives to create spaces of community, care, and beauty where all are welcomed.

Go Deep
Spiritual Practice...
by Woodlake Books
Doris Kizinna
List Price $19.95
Sale Price $12.97
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Go Deep
Spiritual Practice...
by Woodlake Books
Doris Kizinna
List Price $29.95
Sale Price $19.47
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