Pick up a magazine, enter a conversation with your neighbor, or check out the latest blog on the Internet. It's clear: spirituality is a word that gets bandied about--as much today in the secular sphere as in religious circles. But what is spirituality? And of what use is it to faithful, thoughtful Christians?
The first of this two-session studies introduces and explores what spirituality is, helps participants appreciate what makes Christian spirituality distinct, corrects common misconceptions in the church about spirituality, addresses any resistance there might be to spirituality, and creates awareness of the need for an ongoing spirituality-religion dialogue. As a result of this session, participants should be able to identify the biblical roots of spirituality, recognize spirituality's value and place in the life of the church today, and be interested in discovering and exploring ways to practice spirituality as disciples of Jesus Christ.
The second session extends Session 1's exploration of what Christian spirituality is by identifying our need as faithful Christians for spiritual growth and then discovering different pathways to growth. This session is also designed to help participants make meaning of spirituality by understanding it as a journey to wholeness, God, and love. As a result of this session, participants should be able to articulate the classic threefold formula for spiritual growth, claim the advantages of both kataphatic and apophatic experience, acknowledge how they might grow, and be willing to start or continue their spiritual journey.
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