The Thoughtful Christian Logo
Resources for Christians and seekers

What People Are Saying

Here is what some people are saying about Glory to God:

"Glory to God has taken one big step toward the people! The editors of this new hymnal took great pains to determine the contents of our churches' storehouses of song- the songs that a congregation can sing from the heart. But the hymnal is also broad. Any congregation will find their musical core in Glory to God, and also scores of songs they may not know. This is not the hymnal wherein musical aesthetes are pushing the church, saying, 'these songs are good for you.' No, these songs are sung from the heart by worshiping congregations, congregations that are testifying, 'these songs are good for us.' Let the sharing begin!"
-Martin Tel, C.F. Seabrook Director of Music, Princeton Theological Seminary

"A diverse range of congregations will be served by this resource, from those who value our heritage of hymnic treasures to those who seek new perspectives of theology and music. Whether old or new, local or global, these are finely crafted and well-chosen selections to enliven congregational singing for years to come."
-Deborah Carlton Loftis, Executive Director, The Hymn Society in the United States and Canada

"I eagerly anticipate this treasure trove that includes hymnody, psalms, contemporary songs, refrains that propel us to font and table, and spirited choruses that send us out to be the body of Christ for a hungry world."
-Kimberly Bracken Long, Assistant Professor of Worship, Columbia Theological Seminary

"As we sing together these songs across genres, languages, and continents, we blend our disparate voices into the sound of the church at song, and thus at prayer, at worship, and in service to the God beloved world."
-Margaret Aymer Oget, Associate Professor of New Testament, Interdenominational Theological Seminary

"Hymnals at their best are not just collections of the songs we sing in church, but are among our profoundest street-level teachers of the faith. Our newest hymnal, therefore, will reflect and form the devotional life and theology of current and future generations of Presbyterians and other Christians."
-Theodore J. Wardlaw, President, Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary