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This large print edition is loose leaf and in an 8.5x11 size. The sheets come shrink-wrapped in a box. In this size, churches can select just the pages they need for worship to have available for their members who cannot carry a heavy book. This edition can also be used for large print bulletin insertion.
This new book of congregational song will include:
- Over 800 hymns, psalms, and spiritual songs.
- Approximately 50% of included hymns will be from the 1990 Presbyterian hymnal. The remaining pieces will come from former Presbyterian hymnals, other denominational songbooks, and individual authors and composers.
- A musical setting of almost every Sunday lectionary psalm.
- Music from six different continents.
- Music covering all major historical and contemporary sacred genres, including approximately thirty-five African American/Gospel hymns.
- Comprehensive indexes.
Glory to God will also contain worship aids and printed liturgies for Sunday services (including baptism and the Lord's Supper) and services for daily prayer. Complete orders of service will include congregational responses, prayers, and creeds. These will be perfect resources for "green" congregations, camps and conference centers, daily prayer services, and time-pressed pastors.