Too often, church for children is about containing and entertaining, rather than engaging with and growing young Christians who can give as much as they receive.
Mission-shaped Church touched on the importance of involving and nurturing the children and young people in the Church, but only in passing; Mission-shaped Children fills this gap. The book outlines the many obstacles that are currently preventing growth in childrenÆs work in the Church, and suggests practical and effective strategies for overcoming these.
Full of sound advice, real-life case studies, questions for discussion and guidance on sources of further advice and information, Mission-shaped Children explores:
How the dramatic cultural, social and economic trends of recent years have impacted on childrenÆs lives and how this affects the Church;
Developments in how the Church has nurtured children over the past 100 years;
The many varied opportunities that exist to help children to experience church, and some of the challenges these present for those working with children;
How the Church can shape itself around children and young people, rather than expecting them to fit in with the Church.
Engaging with the messages of this book will challenge you to see your church from the perspective of the children and young people within it and, by applying the authorÆs coherent strategies, you can transform your childrenÆs ministry.