This tried and test collection is a must for anyone leading intercessions in the Church of England. It provides prayers for every Sunday, Holy Day and Festival, Years A, B and C that can be easily adapted to local contexts. The prayers reflect the Bible readings of the day, creating a more integrated act of worship. This expanded edition also contains forms of intercession for numerous extra occasions:
ò Principal Feasts û e.g. The Presentation of Christ in the Temple, the Transfiguration
ò Other Holy Days û e.g. The Birth of John the Baptist, Holy Cross Day
ò Red Letter SaintsÆ Days
ò Pastoral occasions in the context of a Eucharist û baptism, confirmation, marriage, funeral, healing service, Remembrance
ò Installation of a new incumbent
A trusted liturgical resource for many years, regularly used in hundreds of parishes, this continues to be the essential handbook for Lectionary-based intercessions.