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The Bible teaches us to love one another and to treat others as we would like to ■be treated.  Martin Luther King Jr., the most notable African-American leader ■during the civil rights era (1955-1968), was the perfect embodiment of this ideal.
Black Religious Leaders

Conflict in Unity

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Westminster John Knox Press
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6 x 9
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This analysis of four Black religious leaders--Martin Luther King Jr., Malcolm X, Joseph H. Jackson, and Adam Clayton Powell Jr.--reviews their differences and determines whether grounds for coalitional activity still exists. These leaders all clearly agreed that racism should be opposed but they vigorously disagreed on the forms the opposition should take.

Peter J. Paris is Elmer G. Homrighausen Professor of Christian Social Ethics at Princeton Theological Seminary in Princeton, New Jersey.

African American T...
A Reader
by Westminster John Knox Press
Peter J. Paris
List Price $60.00
Sale Price $39.00
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Black Religious Le...
Conflict in Unity
by Westminster John Knox Press
Peter J. Paris
List Price $50.00
Sale Price $32.50
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List Price: $50.00
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$32.50 - 35% off