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No Longer Be Silent

First Century Jewish Portraits of Biblical Women

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Westminster John Knox Press
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Cheryl Brown studies the portrayal of women in Biblical Antiquities, attributed to Philo, and in the Jewish Antiquities of Josephus, two documents that characterize women differently than their biblical prototypes. Her insightful investigation will bring new perspectives on the subject of women in Judaeo-Christian tradition during the Greco-Roman period.

The Gender and the Biblical Tradition series brings to a wide audience important new discoveries concerning women and the Bible, ancient Israel, and early Christianity. The books explore the role of sexuality within the biblical tradition and document the continuing influence of biblical treatments of gender on subsequent life and thought.

Cheryl Anne Brown is Adjunct Assistant Professor of Biblical Studies at Fuller Theological Seminary in Pasadena, California.

No Longer Be Silen...
First Century Jewi...
by Westminster John Knox Press
Cheryl Anne Brown
List Price $45.00
Sale Price $29.25
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