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Reading the Bible and the Confessions

The Presbyterian Way

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Westminster John Knox Press
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Trim Size
6 x 9
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Jack Rogers sets forth seven guidelines for the interpretation of Scripture and the Confessions. Rogers builds upon the confessional and governmental heritage of the church in offering suggestions for practical applications of these interpretations in the future. His purpose is to stimulate individual and communal use of both Scripture and the Confessions in accordance with Presbyterian faith, and he encourages us to use these resources to apply Christ's message in our own time and context.

Jack Rogers is Professor Emeritus of Theology at San Francisco Theological Seminary in California. He was moderator of the 213th General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.). Roger's books include Reading the Bible and the Confessions, Claiming the Center: Churches and Conflicting Worldviews, and Presbyterian Creeds, all published by WJK.

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Reading the Bible ...
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List Price: $21.00
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$13.65 - 35% off