Glory to God--Hymns and Songs for Children and Families was created to help people share songs of the Christian faith with children. The variety of music, lyrics, prayers and poems form a soundtrack for children to know themselves as God's children. These 19 songs and 4 prayers were taken from the Glory to God hymnal and adapted for children by professional musicians, creating a high-quality complement to the hymnal.
Prefer to download this resource? Glory to God--Hymns and Songs for Children and Families is available for download via iTunes. Learn more by clicking here.
This recording was created for families to share songs of the Christian faith in a natural, every-day kind of way. The variety of music, lyrics, prayers, and poems weave a soundtrack to live by - "All Day Long"! Parents and grandparents, enjoy these songs with your child as you honor your role as faith mentor.
These songs and prayers were chosen because:
- Children appreciate the beautiful, simple, common, and sacred.
- Songs of faith and hymns children learn in childhood lead them to lives of service and discipleship.
- Children remember particularly what they learn through music and poetry.
- The songs can be enjoyed by all generations together.
- Young children love to listen to and sing with their special adults.
Here are some ways to use this recording:
- Sing along or listen to them at home, in the car, with family and friends.
- Play the recordings at the four parts of the day: morning, mid-day, evening/suppertime, and night/bedtime.
- As you and your child get to know the pieces, sing or say them as they occur to you during the day.
- Create your own prayers and songs with your child.
- Include the calming-down pieces in your child's (or your) bedtime routine.
- Encourage the use of these recordings at events in your congregation: church school classes, children's choirs, all-church events.
Look online at for additional suggestions for activities to accompany these songs.
Track Listing | Title | Number in Glory to God |
Morning |
1 | Come into God's Presence | #413 |
2 | Spoken Good Morning Prayer |
3 | God Is Here Today | #411 |
4 | Lord of All Hopefulness (verse 1) | #683 |
5 | Spoken Verse: For the Beauty of the Earth | #14 |
6 | God of Great and God of Small | #19 |
7 | Praise God, From Whom All Blessings Flow | #608, 607, 605, 609 |
8 | Spoken Mid-Day Prayer |
9 | I'm Gonna Live So God Can Use Me | #700 |
Mid-Day |
10 | Lord of All Eagerness (verse 2) | #683 |
11 | Holy Manna (tune only) | #24, 396, 509 |
12 | Jesus Loves Me! | #188 |
13 | Listen to the Word/Yisrael V'oraita | #455, 453 |
14 | God Is So Good/Know That God Is Good | #658, 659 |
15 | May the God of Hope Go with Us | #765 |
Evening/Supper |
16 | Lord of All Kindliness (verse 3) | #683 |
17 | Spoken Table Blessing |
18 | Taste and See | #520 |
19 | Spoken Verse: All God's Children/Be Still and Know that I am God | #414 |
Night/Bedtime |
20 | Picardy (tune only) | #274, 347 |
21 | Lord of All Gentleness (verse 4) | #683 |
22 | Spoken Evening Prayer |
23 | God, Be the Love to Search and Keep Me | #543 |