Product Description
The 9-month subscription for Multiage (Ages 5–10), includes materials for fall, winter, and spring (September through May). For this product, you will receive a copy of the curriculum for each season. Resources include leader’s guide with age-appropriate activities, colorful illustrations accompanying each Bible story to engage children visually, reproducible resource sheets, a full-color color pack, and Grace Sightings to send home.
Additionally, child-friendly music lyrics are incorporated into the lesson plans and the accompanying music is available at for free.
Series Description
Growing in Grace & Gratitude is our quarterly denominational curriculum for children ages 3–10. Children see God’s grace in the biblical narrative and in our world today. The curriculum provides age-appropriate opportunities for responses of gratitude through claiming, celebrating, praying, and offering. There is diversity in learning as well as support for leaders to adapt lessons for children with special needs. Each session will embrace children in the grace of God through engagement with the Bible that echoes reformed worship: gathering in God’s grace, responding in gratitude, and loving and serving God.
Product Excerpts and Related Resources:
Product Excerpts and Related Resources:
Scope & Sequence_Year 1