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Resources for Christians and seekers
The Present Word Worship Leaflets

Spring 2021

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Product Description
The Worship Leaflet adds new depth to any Present Word session with liturgy, prayers, hymns, and scripture. This daily office or fixed out prayer style service adds an element of worship to your Bible study.

The Spring Quarter (March–May 2021) introduces the ministry of Old Testament prophets. A diversity of people are used by God to be God’s spokespersons to Israel and Judah. Prophets have messages that are meant to effect social change that conforms to God’s desired standards as described in the Law. Unit I looks at why prophets were necessary in Israel’s history. Moses gave the people God’s promise of a Promised Land; Joshua, Huldah, and Elijah illustrate the fulfillment of God’s promise given through Moses. Unit II reveals the compassion of God during times in Israel’s history when the people forsook God’s ways. Isaiah’s writings and the Gospel of Luke are used on Easter to portray Jesus as the Suffering Servant. Prophecies in Ezra, Nehemiah, and Lamentations further show the faith of the prophets as they present God’s hope to the Israelites. The third unit shows the boldness of God’s prophets in First Kings, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, and Jonah. Prophets called the returning exiles to restore their covenant with God.

Series Description
The Present Word is an adult Bible study curriculum that uses the Uniform Series which is a way to study the Bible over a six-year period. Each quarter works its way through different books of the Bible and focuses on a different theme. As you study each passage of scripture discover its deeper meaning and how it is relevant to our world today.

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