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Home CURRICULUM Chilrden Awesome Adventures
Awesome Adventures: God's People on the Move
7-10 days processing
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8.5 x 11
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Packed with kid-friendly lessons, take-home comics, and activities, this broadly graded summer curriculum encourages children to explore Old and New Testament stories of God's people on the move. Anna and Jake will lead your group of adventurers as they hit the road with Abram and Sarai, journey on the path out of Egypt, travel with the disciples as they encounter the risen Christ, and more!

This all-inclusive Teacher's Book includes 13 easy-to-use lesson plans, reproducible resource sheets and 'For the Home' pages as well as photocopiable, take-home comic adventures that enable kids to make a comic book of their very own!


Download the Scope and Sequence for “God's People on the Move” and a sample session from the Awesome Adventures curriculum.



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List Price: $45.00
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