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Book Bundle for Children
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Product Type:
Series Set

Buy our Book Bundle today and save! With this bundle, you save 45% on the retail price of each book, which means that you save an additional 10% versus purchasing each book separately on this site.

This book bundle features nine popular children’s books, including:

     - Who Counts? 100 Sheep, 10 Coins, and 2 Sons by Amy-Jill Levine
        and Sandy Eisenberg Sasso and illustrator Margaux Meganck
     - No One Else like You by Siska Goeminne and illustrator Merel Eyckerman
     - Where Are You Hiding, God? by author/illustrator Elisabeth Zartl
     - The Marvelous Mustard Seed
by Amy-Jill Levine and Sandy Eisenberg Sasso
        and illustrator Margaux Meganck
     - Simon and the Big, Bad, Angry Beasts: A Book about Anger
        by author/illustrator Ian De Haes
     - Growing in God’s Love: A Story Bible by co-editors Elizabeth F. Caldwell
        and Carol A. Wehrheim
     - What in the World Is Wrong with Gisbert? by Jochen Weeber
        and illustrator Fariba Gholizadeh
     - Home by Another Way: A Christmas Story by Barbara Brown Taylor
        and illustrator Melanie Cataldo
     - When God Gave Us Words by Sandy Eisenberg Sasso and illustrator
        Darcy Day Zoells

Our book bundle is a great way to stock up on holiday and birthday gifts. You can also use the book bundle to fill out the book selection in your church library, nursery, and/or Sunday school classrooms. 

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List Price: $151.00
Sale Price:
$83.05 - 45% off