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Mary Magdalene

Tradition and Gospel

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Internet Download
Adult Study, Adult Study
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Ever since the publication of The Da Vinci Code, Mary Magdalene has been the most read-about follower of Jesus in all the Gospels. Yet down through history there has been a curious variety of understandings--or misunderstandings--of just who Mary was.

Does the Bible present a unified picture of Mary Magdalene? What is it? How has the church understood the character of Mary Magdalene through the centuries, and how should we see her now? Finally, what light does the Gospel of Mary shed on her?

This two-session study is designed to help participants think about what we know about Mary Magdalene and what her story means to us. It looks at what the Bible actually says about her and how tradition evolved to create her popular image as a penitent prostitute. The second session looks specifically at the Gospel of Mary, a book that was not included in our Bible but was known by many of our biblical writers. It was discovered in 1896, and its content is discussed.

William M. Ramsay was a Presbyterian minister who taught for many years at Bethel College in McKenzie, Tennessee. He is the author of several books, including The Westminster Guide to the Books of the Bible and II Corinthians in the Interpretation Bible Studies series, both published by WJK.

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