We have heard for decades that human activities that burn fossil fuels (driving, flying, household energy use, industrial and agricultural energy use) may also be warming the earth. Until very recently, this news was greeted with apathy or disbelief at least as much as, if not more than, it was greeted with action or advocacy. Political skeptics still abound but are becoming increasingly fewer these days. The majority of the world's scientists have all agreed that global warming (now often called climate change) is real and that human activities have contributed to it.
Across the country in recent months, congregations have been showing films and studying materials on climate change and energy efficiency. What has happened to cause this upsurge of interest and commitment?
This two-session unit explores the science of global climate change and some of the many responses to it. While the challenge is great, participants will find encouragement in seeing all that individuals and congregations are doing across the country. They will be encouraged to develop a plan of action for their lives as well.
This study may be used together with one or both of the Thoughtful Christian film studies on An Inconvenient Truth. While some information is repeated in the studies, some participants will appreciate the visual use of the film, while others will enjoy the practical actions mentioned in the second session of this study.
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