Gail Cafferata was heartbroken when the church she pastored voted to close its doors. It may have been the right decision, but it led to a million questions in her mind about her call, leadership, and future. She began to think that other pastors who close churches perhaps go through this same experience.
This led her to conduct a sociological study of over 130 pastors in five historically established denominations (Episcopal, Lutheran, United Methodist, Presbyterian, and United Church of Christ) who were called to serve churches that closed. This book tells the results of that study, which consisted of many interviews, and the hard-won lessons learned by these courageous pastors.
The Last Pastor not only tells the story of the challenging situation of what happens when a church closes, but also offers readers the experience of grace and growth through their willingness to faithfully steer their own journey along with hers.
Product Excerpts and Related Resources:
Excerpt from The Last Pastor
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