“There is no time more important than now to talk about faith and politics. There is no person better than Robb Ryerse to lead us in that conversation. This book will be a crucial starting point for some, a provocative call for others, and an indispensable part of the journey for all of us on the engagement of faith, politics, and the common good.”
—DOUG PAGITT, pastor and Executive Director of Vote Common Good
“I admire the courage of Robb Ryerse and his willingness to have difficult conversations. So much of politics is poll-tested and consultant-driven, but Robb’s commitment is the opposite: to run as a GOP progressive when Trump and the Tea Party are ascendant and to organize evangelicals to support Democrats, when, for so many, church and party are inextricably aligned. We need more voices like Robb’s to expand the universe of what is possible as we build a stronger democracy.”
—MIKE SIEGEL, candidate for Texas’s Tenth Congressional District
“Terminal toxicity now defines the words Christian, evangelical, and Republican. For those (like me) who still hope for the good side of faith and Republicanism to reemerge based on grace and the common good, Robb Ryerse’s Running for Our Lives offers real hope. If there’s any way back to sanity for the Republican and religious faithful post-Trump, this book offers the road map.”
—FRANK SCHAEFFER, author of Crazy for God: How I Grew Up as One of the Elect, Helped Found the Religious Right, and Lived to Take All (or Almost All) of It Back