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Erin Wathen, Calling All Angels, Advent Study, Advent Devotional, Angels Advent;AIA18
Calling All Angels

An Advent Study of Fearlessness and Strength

7-10 days processing
Westminster John Knox Press
Publication Date:
Trim Size
5 x 8
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Step into Advent with this captivating study and devotional, where angelic encounters come to life, echoing the timeless message of overcoming fear.

What would you do if you were not afraid?

Life can be daunting, filled with uncertainty and fears. It wasn't any different two thousand years ago when Jesus was born. An aged priest is told he is about to become a father for the first time. A young woman is told she is going to give birth - outside the protection of marriage. A simple carpenter is asked to believe the impossible. A group of shepherds' night on a hill is interrupted by a bright host of angels in the sky.

Yet, each of these encounters begins with the same refrain: do not be afraid.

Those words, though, are not just words of comfort; they are an invitation and a calling from God. In this captivating Advent study and devotional, pastor Erin Wathen challenges us to take this timeless message and apply it to our lives today. Calling All Angels asks us to contemplate what would change in our relationships, vocations, congregations, and communities if we have the courage to overcome our fears like Mary, Joseph, Zechariah, and the Shepherds in the story.

Included in this book are:
  • Weekly studies perfect for individuals or groups
  • Questions for reflection and discussion
  • Daily reflections
  • Worship resources including liturgies, prayers, and children's moments
  • An uplifting music playlist to accompany you through the Advent season

In addition to the wealth of resources for group study and worship found within the book, to further enhance your seasonal journey, digital resources, including images for displaying during worship services or group study sessions, a Spotify playlist, and chapter introduction videos from the author are available at

Watch the Advent Study Introduction Video from Author Erin Wathen

Product Excerpts and Related Resources:
Download excerpt from Calling All Angels

Erin Wathen is pastor of Grace Immanuel United Church of Christ, in Louisville, Kentucky. Ordained in the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), Wathen has served churches in that denomination and on the staff of Week of Compassion. She is author of More than Words: 10 Values for Modern Families and Resist and Persist: Faith and the Fight for Equality, which was honored as a Foreword Reviews INDIES Award finalist and among Publisher's Weekly's top five religion books of 2018.

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"In anxious times like these -- when we, like Wathen, may be asking, 'Where are our angels?' -- we need reminders that God has soothed fearful souls across the generations and still can today. These winsome devotions bring biblical scenes to life with powerful insights for overcoming fear and boldly stepping forward in faith in this Advent season, just as Mary, Joseph, Zechariah, and the shepherds did, so many years ago." ā€“ Heidi Haverkamp, author of Advent in Narnia, Holy Solitude, and Everyday Connections, Years A, B, and C

"Wathen's inviting style; relatable stories; clear-minded, progressive theological perspectives; and spirit building questions and conclusions are truly a gift for modern-day Christian seekers. What a perfectly wonderful way to spiritually venture though Advent." ā€“ Mark Sandlin, President and Co-Executive Director of and Co-founder of The Christian Left

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List Price: $17.00
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$11.05 - 35% off