"In anxious times like these -- when we, like Wathen, may be asking, 'Where are our angels?' -- we need reminders that God has soothed fearful souls across the generations and still can today. These winsome devotions bring biblical scenes to life with powerful insights for overcoming fear and boldly stepping forward in faith in this Advent season, just as Mary, Joseph, Zechariah, and the shepherds did, so many years ago." ā Heidi Haverkamp, author of Advent in Narnia, Holy Solitude, and Everyday Connections, Years A, B, and C
"Wathen's inviting style; relatable stories; clear-minded, progressive theological perspectives; and spirit building questions and conclusions are truly a gift for modern-day Christian seekers. What a perfectly wonderful way to spiritually venture though Advent." ā Mark Sandlin, President and Co-Executive Director of ProgressiveChristianity.org and Co-founder of The Christian Left