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Tween Spirituality
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Tweens are defined as children between the ages of ten and twelve, usually fifth and sixth graders. There are charts and theories about stages of faith development, but we need only understand the basics for dealing with tweens. Brain research tells us that tweens have not yet fully developed abstract thinking, so their faith is most likely to be acceptance of their parents' faith. However, they have reached an age when they are searching for more, and that more can be an emotional experience. Tweens, just like many adults, are still searching for that "Damascus Road experience." We tend to think we don't have faith if we haven't had a similar experience. However, most of us are more like Timothy, who had faith that lived first in someone else. (2 Tim. 1:5.)

The bottom line is that if we want our tweens to have faith, we need to have and practice faith ourselves. The vast majority of people who have strong faith have seen it modeled first in their parents. So if you want your tweens to develop a deep and sustaining spiritual life, first develop one for yourself. And then be sure that your tweens see it modeled.

This study examines the spiritual lives of tweens and offers parents, mentors, and faith communities a number of ideas on how to help tweens develop a healthy spiritual life that will stay with them throughout their lives.

The Leader's Guide has two activities for participants to use to examine their current spiritual practices, or they can use them at home with their tweens.

Marcia Stoner is the editor for tween curriculum at the United Methodist Publishing House and has taught tweens in a variety of settings. She has written Tween Spirituality, Symbols of Faith, and Seasons of Faith.

Tween Spirituality...
Marcia Stoner
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