The apostle Paul was certainly not the only missionary to the Gentiles (that is, all who are not Jews) during the time immediately following Jesus' death (c. 30 CE), for Philip and Peter also taught, baptized, and preached to Gentiles. Paul was not even the only one who preached to the Corinthians during his ministry among them around 51 CE. Priscilla and Aquila worked alongside Paul in founding the church over the period of a year and a half; Apollos and Cephas had baptized members of the Corinthian church--in fact, more members than Paul had. Nonetheless, the Corinthian Christians sought out Paul when problems arose after he had left and possibly while he was residing in Ephesus, delivering him both an oral and a written message, to which Paul responded in a letter. This letter is known to us as 1 Corinthians, even though Paul indicates that he had already written them at least one other letter.
The first session focuses on the problems mentioned in the oral report and Paul's advice concerning them, whereas the second session discusses the problems mentioned in the Corinthians' letter to Paul and his response concerning them. Before discussing each of the issues raised by the Corinthian Christians and Paul's response, we will consider the culture of the city of Corinth that posed challenges to Paul's preaching and to the Corinthians' growth in the Christian faith. Participants will be encouraged to reflect on the current significance of this letter in their communities.