"God is still speaking," the United Church of Christ currently announces in promotional and outreach materials. Another denomination, the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), is entering "a season of discernment," encouraging its members to seek a deeper understanding of the will of God and how they might "embody God's purposes in and for the world." Individual congregations in all denominations compose mission statements to articulate how they seek to fit into God's plans or manifest God's concerns.
This language about God's ongoing influence and activity raises questions. In what ways can God be at work among human beings? In what specific ways does God work today, with us, in our world? How do we recognize and partner in this work? Christians propose a wide variety of answers to these questions, and this study aims to help participants think about how they, in collaboration with others, attempt to identify God at work around them. The study does not pretend to offer an exhaustive analysis of what it means for God to act or to be recognized in the actions and experiences of people of faith. Instead, it offers an exploration of selected biblical passages that prompt their readers to reflect on how they consider and expect God to be at work.
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