Titles by: Matthew L. Skinner
Author: Matthew L. Skinner
Matthew L. Skinner is the Asher O. and Carrie Nasby Professor of New Testament at Luther Seminary in Saint Paul and the Scholar for Adult Education at Westminster Presbyterian Church in Minneapolis. An author of numerous books, including A Companion to the New Testament, Intrusive God, Disruptive Gospel: Encountering the Divine in the Book of Acts, and Acts: Catching Up with the Spirit, he also cohosts Sermon Brainwave, a weekly podcast that accompanies preachers in their craft as biblical interpreters.
An Interpretation Bible Commentary
By Matthew L. Skinner
Encounter Acts as a book that depicts the church as a hospitable and multicultural community on a journey in which it continues to be surprised by the new realities the Holy Spirit makes possible in the post-Easter world.
Acts: An Interpretation Bibl...
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By Matthew L. Skinner
Jesus' crucifixion invites many kinds of questions. How did it happen? Who, exactly, was responsible? What did his death and resurrection accomplish? Did the cross expose and repair something about human existence? Did it alter our status before God?...
By Matthew L. Skinner
The publication of Dan Brown's best-selling novel The Da Vinci Code in 2003 and now the recently released movie based on the novel have raised many questions from Christians as to the truth of some of the events and characters. Biblical scholars from...
By Nancy Mikoski, Matthew L. Skinner
"God is still speaking," the United Church of Christ currently announces in promotional and outreach materials. Another denomination, the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), is entering "a season of discernment," encouraging its members to seek a deeper un...
By Matthew L. Skinner
La carta de Pablo al pueblo de Galacia es simple y a la vez compleja. Simple, porque se enfoca en un slo objetivo, diciendo a sus primeros(as) lectores(as) que las acciones de Dios a travs de Jesucristo son decisivas y suficientes. Compleja, porque e...
By Matthew L. Skinner
Paul's Letter to the Galatians is simple and complex. Simple, because it focuses on a single objective, telling its original readers that God's actions through Jesus Christ are decisive and sufficient. Complex, because Paul's train of thought can be ...
By Matthew L. Skinner
La crucifixin de Jess invita a muchos tipos de preguntas. Cmo sucedi? Quin fue, exactamente, el responsable? Qu logr su muerte y su resurreccin? Expuso y repar la cruz algo sobre la existencia humana? Alter nuestro estatus ante Dios? Qu significa par...
By Matthew L. Skinner
In this careful analysis, Matthew Skinner explores the trial narratives of Jesus, Paul, Stephen, and others in the Gospels and Acts who found themselves brought before powerful individuals and groups, often with deadly consequences. His close study o...
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