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By John A. Cairns
The Bible is the source book of our Christian faith. It rightly occupies a central place in our study and devotional practice. Yet, it has always posed a challenge for those of us who try to read its words and grasp its message. It can be both famili...

By W. Eugene March
In selecting real estate the rule is "Location, location, location!" In interpreting the Bible the rule is "Context, context, context!" Interpretation is not merely a fancy or a luxury; it is a necessity. Interpretation may not always be a conscious ...

God in the Bible 
Tools for Faithful Living
By W. Eugene March
A number of themes span the Bible, found in both the Old (the First) and New (the Second) Testaments, which describe some aspect of God's relationship with humankind. These divine constants provide some guidance in interpreting those texts that may b...

By Donald L. Griggs
There are many ways to approach studying a Bible passage. This one-session study for adults introduces several basic steps that participants can take and basic resources they can use to study a Bible passage. By the end of this session you should be ...

By Gary W. Light
We read the Bible because we believe that God can give meaning and direction to our lives through its words. However, it is no simple task to read and understand the Bible because there are real differences between the biblical context and our contem...

By Gary W. Light
There are different names for God in our Bibles: LORD, Yahveh, Jehovah, Adonai, Elohim. Which was first? Are they all the same? Which is more personal, and how did the early community of faith understand God's name?This two-session study begins by co...

By Walter Brueggemann, Carol A. Wehrheim
Sabbath keeping is a distinctively Jewish art form. It is, however, a practice and a discipline that has long preoccupied Christians who have responded to a core requirement of the God of covenant. It is unfortunate that in U.S. society, largely out ...

By Gary W. Light
The Bible is a remarkable book that presents the reader with a true paradox. A simple child with no formal theological education may read its pages with insight, understanding, and commitment. A devout scholar who has invested forty years of intensiv...

By Emily Cheney
At times we are not sufficiently aware of how much the literary form of a book or text affects its meaning. We read biblical books and passages assuming that we can read them the same way that we read modern literature.The word Bible, derived from th...

By Emily Cheney
Over a span of at least eleven hundred years, the books of the Bible were written for specific purposes, even though pinpointing these purposes and the historical circumstances surrounding them can at times be complex. While scholars do not always ag...

By Steven M. Sheeley
Do you want to buy a Bible but are overwhelmed by the choices? Do you like your Bible but wonder if it's out-of-date given the seemingly infinite number of Bible translations and paraphrases available?This updated two-session study "Which Bible Shoul...