A number of themes span the Bible, found in both the Old (the First) and New (the Second) Testaments, which describe some aspect of God's relationship with humankind. These divine constants provide some guidance in interpreting those texts that may be somewhat obscure or troublesome. They may be somewhat like circumstantial evidence in a court of law, but nevertheless they can be used to build a case for some particular understanding or position advocated by an interpreter.
There are probably forty or more such themes that could be considered. In this study, however, only three will occupy our attention: God's sovereignty over all the peoples of the world, God's desire for justice in the world, and God's commitment to the health and well-being of the human family. Such themes suggest ways to address contemporary issues when there is no direct word to be found.
The Leader's Guide invites participants to examine three different scenarios and relate a major theme in the Bible to the case. They will also examine which themes relate to their life experiences.
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