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A Christian Natural Theology, Second Edition 
Based on the Thought of Alfred North Whitehead
By John B. Cobb, Jr.
When the first edition of A Christian Natural Theology appeared in 1965, it was a groundbreaking work that incorporated Alfred North Whitehead's metaphysical philosophy as a framework for developing a Christian natural theology. The work was so signi...
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By Derek R. Nelson, William C. Placher
A modern classic, A History of Christian Theology offers a concise yet complete chronicle of the whole of Christian theology, from its background in the history of Israel to the liberation and postliberal theologies of recent years. This updated thir...
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By Robert P. Kennedy, Kim Paffenroth
This book is a tool for teaching and studying the great Christian classic, Augustine's Confessions. It is a unique venture in which thirteen different scholars look at each of the thirteen books in the Confessions and interpret their chapters in ligh...
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A Scholastic Miscellany 
Anselm to Ockham
By Eugene R. Fairweather
This volume includes readable translations of a number of important texts that speak to both concrete and practical issues of church life as well as questions of its very nature and constitution.Long recognized for the quality of its translations, in...
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By Ernst Troeltsch
In this seminal work, pioneering theologian Ernst Troeltsch raises the question, how can we pass beyond the diversity with which history presents us to norms for our faith and for our judgments about life? He trenchantly probes the issue of how one r...
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Alexandrian Christianity 
Selected Translations of Clement and Origen
By Henry Chadwick, J. E.L. Oulton
This volume in the Library of Christian Classics series offers fresh translations of selected works of Clement and Origen of Alexandria.Long recognized for the quality of its translations, introductions, explanatory notes, and indexes, the Library of...
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Aquinas on Nature and Grace 
Selections from the Summa Theologica
By A. M. Fairweather
This volume in the Library of Christian Classics series offers selections from the Summa Theologica that best represent Thomas Aquinas' views on the moral and spiritual world in which we live.Long recognized for the quality of its translations, intro...
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By David Mills Daniel
The first part of the Summa Theologica by Aquinas was dealt with in an SCM Briefly guide that published in May 06. The second part of the Summa Theologica is dealt with in this book. Aquinas' Summa Theologica is his most famous work. It was intended ...
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The Arab Christian 
A History in the Middle East
By Kenneth Cragg
Centuries before the existence of the Islamic faith, there were Arabs who could be described as Christian. And there has been a Christian Arabism, an Arab Christianity, since Muhammad's day. Arab Christianity has survived Muslin dominance, and this e...
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Earlier Writings
By J. H.S. Burleigh
These are Augustine's writings from the time of his conversion to Christianity in AD 386 until he became Bishop of Hippo in 395-396. Included are eight of the most important treatises from this period in which Augustine's Christian position was being...
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Later Works
By John Burnaby
This volume, a part of the Library of Christian Classics series, explores Augustine's classic work on the Trinity and his understanding of Paul, as well as his powers as a preacher.Long recognized for the quality of its translations, introductions, e...
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Confessions and Enchiridion
By Albert Cook Outler
This volume in the Library of Christian Classics offers translations of Augustine's Confessions and Enchiridion.Long recognized for the quality of its translations, introductions, explanatory notes, and indexes, the Library of Christian Classics prov...
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Augustus to Constantine 
The Rise and Triumph of Christianity in the Roman World
By Robert M. Grant
This masterful study of the early centuries of Christianity vividly brings to life the religious, political, and cultural developments through which the faith that began as a sect within Judaism became finally the religion of the Roman empire. First ...
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The Barthian Revolt in Modern Theology 
Theology without Weapons
By Gary Dorrien
In this history of the rise, development, and near-demise of Karl Barth's theology, Gary Dorrien carefully analyzes the making of the Barthian revolution and the reasons behind its simultaneously dominating and marginal character. He discusses Barth'...
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Biblical Theology 
Issues, Methods, and Themes
By James K. Mead
In this, the first overview of biblical theology in nearly thirty years, James K. Mead addresses the core issues of biblical theology essential to both Old Testament and New Testament study. Can we draw theological principles from Scripture? What met...
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