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By Nancy Ferguson
Not much has changed since the time of Isaac, Esau, and Jacob. Families still experience conflict and confusion; younger generations don't always understand older generations. In every family there is an unknown history that influences interactions a...

By Eugenia Anne Gamble, Michelle Hwang
Most of us know someone who is navigating the murky depths of love's ending. As common as it is, there is nothing simple about divorce, and very little other than time can make it any better. So how can we help those going through it?It can be incred...

By Carol A. Wehrheim
How do persons caring for those with Alzheimer's disease care for themselves? How can congregations support those persons responsible for the care of persons with Alzheimer's disease? Through a personal story of caregiving for a husband with Alzheime...

By Adam J. Copeland
It's true: most people don't enjoy talking about death or funerals. They're such significant life experiences, that it can seem better to not mention them too often. Yet the rituals we practice and the prayers we say when someone dies aren't improvis...

By Lynne M. Baab
Is friendship a dying art? Loneliness and isolation continue to increase in our culture. Yet, Christian values of community should provide an alternative to lives lived in isolation.The Bible teaches much about relationships that can help us be loyal...

How can you help elderly men and women in your community live with grace and dignity? In "Helping Seniors Live Well," Christian adults will discuss the challenges and opportunities that older people face. A Participant Handout and a Leader's Guide ar...

Loving the Stranger
By David Otto
Hospitality is a theme most Christians take very seriously. How do we welcome strangers in our community? Do we welcome outsiders? What are our obligations to strangers? Do guests also have obligations to hosts?This two-session study reviews the impo...

By Jay Rock
Interfaith marriage is and will continue to be a reality in our society. Regardless of how our various religious traditions regard it, men and women will fall in love and marry partners of different faiths. Such marriages offer challenges and opportu...

Is It Ever Okay to Lie? 
The Ethics of Lying
What constitutes a lie and is it ever okay to lie? This one-session adult study explores definitions of lying, degrees of lying, and the ethics of lying. Participants will explore various components of lying and articulate their own view of lying.

By Nancy J. Duff
If you were in a life-threating medical situation and couldn't speak for yourself, what decisions would you want made and by whom? In this newly-revised study, Christian adults will learn about living wills and get tips on how to create one. The stud...

Make Love Not War 
A History of Valentine's Day
By Stephens G. Lytch
If someone told you that our contemporary Valentine's Day was rooted in an ancient ruler's need to recruit soldiers for battle, a subsequent ban on the bond of holy matrimony, and the execution of a priest named Valentine, well, one might wonder wher...

By Nancy J. Duff
Are there any medical situations in which life support should be withdrawn and a patient allowed to die? In this study Christians will review various case studies on end-of-life decisions. Together they will reflect on and discuss the ethical issues ...

By Martha Bettis-Gee
How will you spend this Thanksgiving? In a traditional way? What does that mean, and where did that tradition come from? Do we celebrate Thanksgiving as it was first celebrated? Do we even know how it was first celebrated?This one-session study tells...

By Jack A. Keller, Jr.
The complexities of medical care these days can be staggering. And much of the time decisions about medical treatment carry an inescapable sense of urgency. All kinds of potentially troubling situations arise regularly. When facing a potentially leth...

By Jason Byassee
Is there anything inherently religious about the ways we celebrate New Year's? Should there be? In this one-session study, author Jason Byassee shares some ways Christians might celebrate New Year's. The Leader's Guide invites participants to reflect...

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