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A Lens of Love 
Reading the Bible in Its World for Our World
By Jonathan L. Walton
In order to engage the Bible in the spirit of justice, compassion, and love, Jonathan L. Walton suggests reading the Bible in its world for our world. Perfect for individual or group study, A Lens of Love helps Christians to read and interpret the Bi...
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Reading the Bible amid the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict
By Walter Brueggemann
"The conflict is only `seemingly' beyond solution, because all historical-political problems have solutions, if there is enough courage, honesty, and steadfastness." In Chosen?, Walter Brueggemann explores the situation in modern-day Israel that rais...
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Common Ground 
Talking about Gun Violence in America
By Donald V. Gaffney
Every time a shooting makes national headlines, the same debates erupt: Is the problem guns or mental health? Why is the United States unique in its gun violence problem? Can we reduce this violence while protecting the right to bear arms? Newtown, C...
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Good White Racist? 
Confronting Your Role in Racial Injustice
By Kerry Connelly
\ good · white · racist \ nounA well-intentioned person of European descent who is nonetheless complicit in a culture of systemic racismA white person who would rather stay comfortable than do the work of antiracismWhen it comes to race, most white A...
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Holy Disunity 
How What Separates Us Can Save Us
By Layton E. Williams
These days, there’s no dirtier word than “divisive,” especially in religious and political circles. Claiming a controversial opinion, talking about our differences, even sharing our doubts can be seen as threatening to the goal of unity. But what if ...
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How Jesus Saves the World from Us 
12 Antidotes to Toxic Christianity
By Morgan Guyton
Christianity has always been about being saved. But today what Christians need saving from most is the toxic understanding of salvation we've received through bad theology. The loudest voices in Christianity today sound exactly like the religious aut...
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Inhabiting Eden 
Christians, the Bible, and the Ecological Crisis
By Patricia K. Tull
In this thoughtful study, respected Old Testament scholar Patricia K. Tull explores the Scriptures for guidance on today's ecological crisis. Tull looks to the Bible for what it can tell us about our relationships, not just to the earth itself, but a...
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By Paul Rock
Sneaking out of the Vatican at night, washing the feet of inmates, and taking selfies with young fans is certainly unlike any religious leader we've seen in a while, and some of the religious establishment is uneasy about it. The revitalization Pope...
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Last Call 
From Serving Drinks to Serving Jesus
By Jerry Herships
"I had a vision of a faith community where people could have a wider understanding of God and our relationship to him/her. I wanted to create a place where people could state what they believe and what they struggle with-freely. I wanted a community ...
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Christians and Muslims Building Community
By Deanna Ferree Womack
Named one of the Top 10 Books of the Year in 2020 by the Academy of Parish Clergy For a long time, American Christians have been hearing a story about Islam. It's a story about conflict and hostility, about foreigners and strangers. At the heart of ...
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The Possibility of America 
How the Gospel Can Mend Our God-Blessed, God-Forsaken Land
By David Dark
Published in the years following 9/11, David Dark’s book The Gospel according to America warned American Christianity about the false worship that conflates love of country with love of God. It delved deeply into the political divide that had gripped...
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Running for Our Lives 
A Story of Faith, Politics, and the Common Good
By Robb Ryerse
Empowered by the Brand New Congress initiative in 2018, evangelical pastor and progressive Republican Robb Ryerse embarked on a long-shot, grassroots congressional campaign against Steve Womack, one of the most powerful Republican incumbents in Washi...
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The Search for Truth about Islam 
A Christian Pastor Separates Fact from Fiction
By Ben Daniel
Are Muslims infiltrating American society? What does Islam really teach about women's roles? Does the Qur'an condone violence? Presbyterian pastor Ben Daniel tackles common stereotypes and misconceptions that tend to define Islam in the popular imagi...
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Truth over Fear 
Combating the Lies about Islam
By Charles Kimball
Questions and fears about Islam have proliferated American life for decades, from the Iranian Revolution in 1979 to the September 11, 2001, attacks. Yet more recent history has seen a new development in the tangle of Christian-Muslim relations: the m...
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What Do Our Neighbors Believe, Second Edition 
Questions and Answers on Judaism, Christianity, and Islam
By Micah Greenstein, Kendra G. Hotz, John Kaltner
The current social and political climate makes it easy to benefit from religious misunderstanding. Political and religious leaders create fear of the religious other in order to drum up support for themselves. But the best way to combat deliberate mi...
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