In 1858 Abraham Lincoln, in his classic "House Divided" speech, said, "If we could first know where we are and whither we are tending, we could then better judge what to do and how to do it." A study on the history of religion and politics in the United States is not and cannot be a "how-to" study that offers practical wisdom and suggests strategies.
The work of these two sessions will be completed when and if they provide some narrative and description to match something of what Lincoln meant when he said we must "first know where we are." A person and a nation cannot know that unless they have some sense of what brought them to where they are. By definition this means that they need to explore the past and the study of the past-in short, to learn history.
Participants will get a review of some of the major events of U.S. history to date and how various religious groups and peoples have been represented or not in this history.
This two-session study is included as part of the seven-session "Religion and Politics Study Pack." If you purchase the study pack, you do not need to purchase this study separately.
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