For at least 1,700 years, Christians have observed a season of prayer and preparation leading up to Christmas. Advent is a word that means "to come, to show up," and in the chaos of the shopping and party frenzy, we Christians try to pull the shutters down on all that and do some soul searching, some praying, some repenting. Company is coming, and it's a baby--and not just any baby, but Mary's child, the Savior of the world. The question of Advent is "Will there be room?" Can we sweep out the clutter of our lives and leave a space into which God might become reality?
Total pagans seem to know how to do Christmas--how to shop, string lights, throw parties, travel. Perhaps it is the Christian, oddly enough, who knows we need some help (beyond the busy-ness of December) to have a holy Advent.
Advent is about waiting, and waiting is hard for us. We must be tutored in waiting. Wait for the Lord. Let your spirituality feel a bit awkward, for your primary goal for the ramp-up through December need not be to get your shopping done or to have your home ready for guests. Your goal is to grow close to God, to grow into a better person. Your deepest wish, your most fervent desire, even if it's hidden from even yourself, is for the coming of the Lord into your life.
To get at this, we will explore various characters in the biblical story, and even a few others out of the annals of history, to think through how to "prepare him room" during Advent. We will structure their stories around four themes, for our four weeks. These themes are repentance, faith, holiness, and love.