Psalms may be the most contemporary book in the whole Bible. Why? The writers of psalms were people like us, with thoughts, feelings, hopes, doubts, and affirmations. They, like us, found themselves in situations that caused despair, grief, disbelief, fulfillment, and happiness.
The realities of life more than two millennia ago were certainly different from the realities of our world. The human condition, however, is not that different. Love for and trust in God for us, as well as doubt and disbelief, are similar to what the psalmist knew. Relationships with others that bring love and commitment, as well as separation and pain, are not unlike what the psalmist experienced.
This one-session study for adults explains the various types of psalms and prayers and invites participants to use the psalms in their daily lives as well as write some prayers in the same style of the psalms.
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