What can we learn about Jesus from the multitude of names he is given in the New Testament? Plenty! Welcome to a six-week course that will explore a number of the names and titles for Jesus that appear in the four Gospels, with some attention to relevant Old Testament passages.
The sequence of the names and titles of Jesus for our course of study moves from the most familiar name, Jesus, to Jesus' activities as teacher, to several common metaphors such as bread, to more abstract names like Messiah and Son of God, concluding with a focus on resurrection and life. The first half of the course will be a little easier for participants with the last three sessions providing more of a challenge.
In addition to the Participant Handouts and Leader's Guides filled with ideas for forty-five minute lesson plans for the six sessions, hymn writer Reverend Carolyn Gillette has composed a hymn text specifically for this study. Participants may learn a new verse each session and the hymn may easily be incorporated into worship for the entire church. Finally, at the end of each handout, the author includes daily Scripture readings for participants' daily devotions.
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