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Jesus and Possessions

An Adult Lenten Study

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Explore your connection with material things this Lent with this study written by Margot Starbuck. The six- session adult study pack challenges participants to better understand God's provision for our needs. Together Christian adults will ponder their attachment to possessions; grapple with the question, "how much is enough?"; and explore the risks and consequences of being too attached to possessions. Participants will also reflect on the act of giving and discover how it can make a positive impact in their lives.

Each session includes a Participant Handout and a Leader's Guide that helps a leader facilitate a forty-five minute session. The Leader's Guide features prayers, discussion questions, teaching alternatives, and more.

Margot Starbuck is a writer and speaker who cares deeply about what it means to follow Jesus in the sneakers, pumps or Doc Martens in which we find ourselves. She is passionate about communicating God's great love for the world-inextricably bound to God's love for individuals-in print and in speech.

Margot studied art at Westmont College in Santa Barbara, California. At the beach and in dorm rooms, she began to notice the bind in which women find themselves today, specifically as they're pinched by the culture's insistence on the value of appearances. She was further equipped to process these issues theologically at Princeton Seminary. Today, Margot continues to be energized by the kingdom reality of God's big plan for our bodies which have been called good

Jesus and Possessi...
An Adult Lenten St...
Margot Starbuck
List Price $26.00
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List Price: $26.00