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Teens and technology: What's the fascination? And how do I help my child learn ■responsibility in using these wonderful and frightening technological tools?
Parenting in a Text Messaging World
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Parenting Study, Parenting Study
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Today's teens are bombarded with technological gadgets that were not around when their parents were teens. How does one parent in unknown territory?

Some adults prefer to not use social networking sites or text message on cell phones. But for many teenagers, the issue is not whether to use the technology or not--most of them have already made that choice--but how they will incorporate it into their lives and their values.How can parents be helpful? This study provides information and suggests ways for parents to interact with their child to discuss just how these technologies can help or hurt them.

Leslie Scanlon is national correspondent for Presbyterian Outlook magazine. A journalist and writer, she lives in Kentucky.

Parenting in a Tex...
Leslie Scanlon
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