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Resources for Christians and seekers
What Does the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) Believe?
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Internet Download
Adult Study, Adult Study
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The Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) today is one of the largest Christian denominations to have been founded in North America. Although the church's organization dates back only to 1968, the historical roots of the church go back almost two hundred years.

This two-session study traces the history and beliefs of this denomination through the generations. Participants will enjoy learning and comparing the traditions of this denomination with their own or, if they are Disciples members, learning or remembering their history and considering how to continue the Disciples' witness for future generations.

Jon L. Berquist is a minister in the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) and Executive Editor for Biblical Studies at Westminster John Knox Press.

Verity A. Jones is publisher and editor of DisciplesWorld, a journal of news, opinion, and mission for the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). She is ordained in both the Disciples and the United Church of Christ. Prior to joining DisciplesWorld, she pastored Disciples and UCC congregations in Indiana and Connecticut.

What Does the Chri...
Jon L. Berquist, Verity A. Jones
List Price $12.00
Sale Price $12.00
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What Does the Chri...
Jon L. Berquist, Verity A. Jones
List Price $12.00
Sale Price $12.00
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List Price: $12.00