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Contemporary praise and worship music, or traditional hymns? It's not worship ■wars but worship whys. This group study explores why singing in worship ■matters, and how to evaluate lyrics and melodies of many different types of songs.
The Role of Singing in Worship
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Internet Download
Adult Study, Adult Study
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"Electric guitars and drums don't belong in worship!"

"Every time we sing another organ hymn, I just want to go to sleep."

"I don't think I have a good voice, so I always dread singing in worship."

With so many different opinions about music in worship, sometimes it's easy to wonder why we don't just stop singing and avoid the arguments all together. Yet many of us value singing as one of the most important parts of the worship experience, and we know it matters--but why?

This one-session study offers grounding in the historical reasons behind why singing in worship matters, what it means to call music "appropriate" for worship, and how we can begin to discern what that means for us as communities of faith beyond our personal preferences. The Leader's Guide offers specific ways to help group members reflect on and evaluate music for worship with a variety of multimedia tools.

Jacob Gordon is a church musician and freelance writer living in the Pittsburgh area.

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