A note from the editor: This study pack was originally designed for the Campus Ministry Group, but is cross-listed with the Women's Group Study and Men's Group Study classes.
When our youth become young adults and begin their college studies, they often find that there's not a stable place for them in their church. They're no longer a part of the youth group and don't yet feel comfortable stepping into the adult study groups. This Editor's Pick study pack discusses topics relevant to young adults and will satisfy the curious and thoughtful personalities of the churchgoer who also happens to be going to college. The studies outlined below will provide a foundation of faith that can take participants into adulthood.
Where Is God When Disaster Strikes? It is natural for Christians to wonder where God is in times of war, school shootings, hurricanes and earthquakes. Our immediate reaction is to find someone to blame. Actually, there is another way to look at where God is to be found during disasters and personal tragedies. This study suggests another biblical approach. Participants will have a chance to think about new ways of seeing God in the midst of disaster.
Bible 101. This is an introductory session on biblical interpretation. It is designed to give new or inexperienced Bible students some of the basic tools and insights needed to more fully understand how to approach the passages they are reading.
Understanding Christian Fundamentalism. In this two-session study, participants will learn basic beliefs of Christian fundamentalists and examine alternative Christian points of view. Participants will be encouraged to define their own beliefs in a spirit of openness and respect for others.
The Gift of Friendship. This one-session study examines some biblical models of friendships, dispels some common friendship myths, and discusses several aspects of various kinds of friendships. Participants will reflect on the friendships in their lives and what kind of friend they wish to be.
What Happens When We Pray? This one-session study looks at different views Christians have about prayer, particularly whether prayer just changes the one who prays or whether God is actually affected and might be moved on the basis of our prayer requests.
Local Food: Global Good. By looking at biblical passages about stewardship of creation, care for the poor, and the Lord's Supper, we will touch on some of the reasons Christians should care about issues of food production. After a brief look at these passages, we will explore three concerns regarding our current system of industrial food production. The second session looks at practical steps we can all take to support sustainable food.