In an age of soundbytes, it can be hard for all of us to take the time to really reflect on our lives. For teens with busy schedules, giving themselves the opportunity to think about their feelings, their lives, their faith, and their dreams may be rare enough, and rarer still may be writing down those thoughts.
Yet the practice of journaling through the highs and lows of daily life has been a Christian tradition for millennia. A means of praying, engaging, and struggling through life's experiences, it opens the past to our memory, and the present to our reflection and the presence of God.
This one-session study introduces young people to the power of words and the tools to use words to connect their reality to the imminent Word--Christ. Using pop music, a variety of spiritual and secular writers, and diverse writing tools and prompts, this study offers flexibility of form in a thoughtful introduction to the powerful spiritual practice of journaling.
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