Spider-Man 2 is a work that surprised most critics by the depth of its perception into the human psyche.
When superheroes were developed in the 1930s and 40s, they were cardboard characters battling evil villains as fantastic as they. There was scant note taken of the inner life of the hero or the cost of possessing such super powers. No one even thought that there would be a cost. Most viewers only envied them their gifts. Not so with Spider-Man. His creators depict him as the teenaged Peter with the usual teen problems, to which has been added the trauma of his being present when the man who had raised him died, the victim of a robber, plus the burden of possessing super powers that constantly thwart his desire for a close relationship with the girl he loves. The film follows Peter into young adulthood unable to keep up with his job and college studies.
As with the other films discussed in the Thoughtful Christian, the group will watch a few scenes that are packed with insight and meaning. It would be best if everyone would see the entire film before the class meets, but this is not necessary for participants to profit from the study.
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