Friday Night Lights follows the familiar path of other movies centered on a sport, but it also raises serious questions about athletes who perform on the field and spectators who watch and cheer from the stands. This film explores the way in which football obsesses virtually everyone in the small town.
Although the film shows how a sport can become an idol, demanding total obedience from its adherents, it is not really an attack on school athletics. In the story of a player and his overbearing father, the film also shows the positive meaning that a school sport can bring to lives that know little of excitement or meaning. Discipline, hard work, and team spirit are also important themes, with something that Coach Gaines calls "perfection" being the grand end toward which he seeks to lead the team.
As with the other films discussed in this series, the group will watch a few scenes that are packed with insight and meaning. It would be best if everyone would see the entire film before the class meets, but this is not necessary for participants to profit from the study.
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