Who hasn't heard of Lazarus? The story of Jesus raising him from the dead is one biblical story most never forget.
Yet, besides being the brother of Mary and Martha and a seemingly important figure in the Bible, Lazarus never has a speaking part. Unlike the lepers or the blind who asked Jesus for healing, or the demon-possessed who reacted violently to Jesus' presence, Lazarus was inert, in a tomb, making no requests. No matter, he received the full attention of his Lord. He may represent many of us who have been blessed by God not so much because of our seeking God as by the prayers of friends or family members who have sought God on our behalf.
This one session study on the figure of Lazarus in the Bible is part of a study pack called "Figures in the New Testament" which consists of six studies of important persons found in the Gospels. Each study is independent of the others and you do not need to study all of them to enjoy just one or several of the studies. While any order may be used, we suggest the following order: Peter; Mary and Martha; James, Brother of Jesus; Priscilla; Lazarus; and Mary, Mother of Jesus.
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