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Can Christians desire different types of worship based on their different learning ■styles? This study takes a look at traditional and contemporary worship, private ■and public prayer, and other worship experiences to help participants create their ■own spritual discipline.
Spiritual Disciplines for Different Personalities
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Adult Study, Adult Study
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Why are different Christians drawn to different types of worship and prayer? Why do some of us prefer contemporary worship music, while others prefer traditional worship practices? Why do some prefer practicing spiritual disciplines which are contemplative and quiet while others prefer to pray while participating in activities? Perhaps our worship preferences have less to do with our theological beliefs and more to do with our differing personalities. For example, extroverts tend to favor certain aspects of worship while introverts prefer others.

Using multiple translations of a Bible passage from the book of Psalms, interactive group activities, a chart analyzing personality styles to encourage personal spiritual growth, and quiet reflection using a finger labyrinth, this one-session study offers worship and prayer suggestions for various personalities and encourages participants to reflect on their church's worship service and their own spiritual disciplines to ensure all personalities can have meaningful participation.

Delia Halverson is a Christian education consultant and author of over twenty books and numerous curriculum and articles in Christian education and Christian spirituality. She is also a workshop leader, retreat leader, and keynote speaker. Her web site is

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Delia Halverson
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