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As Christians, we are called on by God to do the right thing. But what if we do ■the right thing for the wrong reasons? The Bible provides guidance for our ■behavior, but how can we be sure that our hearts are in the right place?
Making Moral Decisions
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Adult Study, Adult Study
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There are many things that influence the decisions we make every day. Of course, we all have certain rules by which we must abide, as well as local, state, and federal laws we are required to obey. But many of our daily decisions and interactions with others are driven by less well-defined guidelines.

While most people want to be good and to do good, their motivations may differ greatly. For example, one driver may obey the speed limit to ensure his or her safety and the safety of others; another driver may simply fear the sight of flashing blue lights in their rearview mirror. They both do the right thing but for very different reasons.

According to civil law, being a bigot is not illegal but acting on that bigotry is. As Christians, do our intentions matter? Is what is in our hearts as important to God as our actions? Do we tithe and volunteer and practice acts of kindness to honor God--or because we fear God's wrath?

These issues are extremely challenging for Christians today and they touch every aspect of our lives. For example, how do we, as followers of Christ, reconcile "Thou shalt not kill" with support for our military, or doing our civic duty by serving on a jury in a death penalty case?

The challenges of living morally in our increasingly complex and divided world are great, but this five-session study on making moral decisions provides ample opportunity and trusted guidance for exploring these compelling issues.

Edward LeRoy Long Jr. is Pearsall Professor Emeritus of Christian Ethics and Theology of Culture at Drew University in Madison, New Jersey. He is the author of several books, including A Survey of Christian Ethics, A Survey of Recent Christian Ethics, War and Conscience in America, and Peace Thinking in a Warring World.

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