Author: Helen Cameron
Dr Helen Cameron is Director of the Oxford Centre for Ecclesiology and Practical Theology at Ripon College Cuddesdon, UK.
By Helen Cameron
This is a superbly entertaining overview of the Church of England over the last fifty years. The image of Sung Evensong may seem timeless, but the patterns of Anglican worship have changed continuously. Beginning with the great Victorian modernisers...
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By Helen Cameron
"There is a lively debate about the mission of the local church and an interest in doing new things or doing things differently. However, when church leaders start to work out the implications of change, they immediately come across real issues such ...
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By Helen Cameron
Talking about God in Practice details the challenges and complexities of real theological conversations with practitioners, whilst providing an example of appropriate process, and a model of theological understanding by which to negotiate these compl...
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By Helen Cameron
This book is aimed at those training for ministry, those in ministry and lay people wishing to reflect upon their work. It seeks to enable those in pastoral ministry to reflect upon their institutional encounters and to enable lay people who work in ...
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