Titles by: Stanley J. Grenz
Author: Stanley J. Grenz
Stanley J. Grenz was Pioneer McDonald Professor of Theology at Carey Theological College in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, and Professor of Theological Studies at Mars Hill Graduate School in Seattle, Washington, prior to his death in 2004. He authored a number of books, including What Christians Really Believe & Why; and Sexual Ethics: An Evangelical Perspective.
By JOHN R. FRANKE, Stanley J. Grenz
The authors move past the Enlightenment foundational approach to offer a revolutionary methodology for doing theology in a postmodern age. Their method uses three sources: the Spirit speaking authoritatively through the biblical text, tradition provi...
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By Stanley J. Grenz
In this book, Stanley Grenz examines the long-standing trajectory of thought that has equated the concept of "being" with the God of the Bible--and thus claimed that the ontological category of being is the guiding concept by which God should be unde...
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By Stanley J. Grenz
In this biblically grounded study, Stanley Grenz synthesizes theology, ethics, and current medical research to offer an evangelical perspective on the profound role which sexuality plays in our lives, and in doing so, calls the church to be a reconci...
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By Stanley J. Grenz
In this volume, Stanley Grenz creatively extends the insights of contemporary Trinitarian thought to theological anthropology. The Social God and the Relational Self is an example of theological construction as an ongoing conversation involving bibli...
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By Stanley J. Grenz
In this carefully reasoned and thoroughly researched analysis, Stanley Grenz asks: are same-sex relationships a viable, God-given way of giving expression to our sexuality? He reviews scientific research, the history of Christian teaching on homosexu...
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By Stanley J. Grenz
People today are searching for something to believe in. How can they choose between conflicting belief systems and find answers to their questions? In this book, Stanley Grenz presents the central tenets of Christian faith clearly and concisely, answ...
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