Titles by: Donald E. Gowan
Author: Donald E. Gowan
Donald E. Gowan is Robert Cleveland Holland Professor Emeritus of Old Testament at Pittsburgh Theological Seminary in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. He is a minister in the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) and has authored several books on the Old Testament, including Theology in Exodus and Theology of the Prophetic Books.
By Donald E. Gowan
This groundbreaking book points to a fresh new way of doing biblical theology. Donald Gowan organizes his study of the book of Exodus like a traditional commentary, following the text of Exodus from beginning to end. Unlike a traditional commentary, ...
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By Donald E. Gowan
Donald Gowan offers a unified reading of the prophetic books, showing that each has a distinctive contribution to make to a central theme. These books--Isaiah through Malachi--respond to three key moments in Israel's history: the end of the Northern ...
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