Titles by: David Penchansky
Author: David Penchansky
David Penchansky is Professor of Theology at the University of St. Thomas in St. Paul, Minnesota. He is the author of several books, including What Rough Beast?: Images of God in the Hebrew Bible and The Betrayal of God: Ideological Conflict in Job.
By David Penchansky
In this book, David Penchansky examines the inconsistencies between Job's beliefs and his actions. Adapting the theories of neo-Marxist/postmodernist literary critics Fredric Jameson and Pierre Macherey, Penchansky traces ideological and theological ...
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By David Penchansky
Since the middle of the twentieth century, one of biblical scholarship's chief assumptions has been that ancient Israel evolved out of the polytheism of surrounding cultures into an ethical monotheism. However, this consensus has fallen apart in rece...
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By David Penchansky
David Penchansky's What Rough Beast? is a study of six Old Testament stories. While many biblical theologies empasize reassuring images of God, Penchansky confronts those biblical passages where God is portrayed as irrational, malevolent, and even ab...
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