Author: James Taylor
Jim Taylor is one of Canada's best known authors and editors among mainline churches and denominations. He is the author of twelve books including The Spirituality of Pets, An Everyday God, Precious Days and Practical Love: Caring for an Aging Parent, and Letters to Stephen. He was the founding editor of the ecumenical clergy journal Practice of Ministry in Canada (PMC) for fifteen years and was Managing Editor of The United Church Observer for thirteen years.
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In the Aftermath
What September 11 Is Teaching Us about Our World, Our Faith and Ourselves
By James Taylor
Suddenly, on September 11, 2001, many of our comfortable assumptions about our world, our faith, and ourselves came crashing down with towers of the World Trade Center. In the wake of that disaster, we are all re-examining values we once took for gra...
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By James Taylor
The Bible contains two kinds of parables: those that have a clear meaning, and those that are ambiguous. In this, his second book of modern parables, author James (Jim) Taylor has chosen to write the latter kind. Instead of explaining his parables, h...
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By James Taylor
Caring for an aging parent involves more than finding a care facility or dealing with legal and financial matters. It means feeling the frustration of always being "on call" if you live close by, or feeling helpless and guilty because you live far aw...
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By James Taylor
Readers will recognize their own pets and themselves in the many stories about Mush, Brick, and Phoebe, some of the animal companions who have filled Taylor's life. Fascinating insights from those who have studied the lives of pets and other animals ...
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