Titles by: Sandy Eisenberg Sasso
Author: Sandy Eisenberg Sasso
Sandy Eisenberg Sasso is the Director of Religion, Spirituality and the Arts Initiative at Indiana University- Purdue University at Indianapolis (IUPUI) Arts and Humanities Institute, as well as Rabbi Emerita of Congregation Beth-El Zedeck. Her many children's books include A Very Big Problem, Who Is My Neighbor?, The Marvelous Mustard Seed, and Who Counts?, all cowritten with Amy-Jill Levine, and the classic God's Paintbrush. For more information, visit www.allaboutand.com.
By Amy-Jill Levine, Sandy Eisenberg Sasso
Who Counts? is now available in Spanish! This popular children’s book offers a creative retelling of three popular parables: the lost sheep, the lost coin, and the prodigal son. As young readers count to help the characters find what’s missing, Who C...
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By Amy-Jill Levine, Sandy Eisenberg Sasso
One sheep is missing! Where can it be?
This board-book version of the Parable of the Lost Sheep is adapted from the picture book Who Counts? 100 Sheep, 10 Coins, and 2 Sons, first in the popular series of parables retold by Amy-Jill Levine and Sand...
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By Amy-Jill Levine, Sandy Eisenberg Sasso
In the beginning, God’s garden is beautiful and peaceful, but it doesn’t stay that way. Everyone has something to say! Rain brags that it’s the most refreshing. Birds boast that they’re the most splendid. Earthworms bluster about their busyness. Then...
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By Sandy Eisenberg Sasso
In a world of constant interruption that values speed over reflection, Sandy Eisenberg Sasso offers an interactive way to find the quiet we need to get in touch with our deepest selves. Designed to give you peace, inspiration, and a much-needed pause...
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By Amy-Jill Levine, Sandy Eisenberg Sasso
«Una niña siembra un grano de mostaza en un jardín que está vacío. Es un granito chiquito. Y todavía no es nada muy especial… todavía no». ¡El maravilloso grano de mostaza está ahora disponible en español! Este libro para la niñez, inspirado en la pa...
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By Amy-Jill Levine, Sandy Eisenberg Sasso
A tiny fig tree needs time to grow. But how much time? All four seasons go by . . . and there are no figs. The seasons pass again. Still no figs! Is the fig tree good for nothing? Inspired by the parable of the Barren Fig Tree, The Good for Nothing...
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By Amy-Jill Levine, Sandy Eisenberg Sasso
“A child plants a mustard seed in an empty garden. It is an itty-bitty seed. It isn’t anything very special—yet.”Discover the surprising potential of one small seed in The Marvelous Mustard Seed. Based on Jesus’ parable of the Mustard Seed, this insp...
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By Amy-Jill Levine, Sandy Eisenberg Sasso
신기한 겨자씨 이야기 “한 아이가 빈 정원에
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By Sandy Eisenberg Sasso
Poor and: the word everyone takes for granted. So tiny, so common, so easily overlooked. Yet if it weren’t for and, so much would fall apart! Who knew such a little word could make such a big difference?When an array of opinionated shapes just can’t ...
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By Sandy Eisenberg Sasso
Words.There are long words and short words, nice words and mean words.
There are silly words, scary words, and hard-to-spell words.
There are so many words in our world! But where did they all come from?
Award-winning children’s book author Sandy...
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By Amy-Jill Levine, Sandy Eisenberg Sasso
"One sheep makes a difference. Without her something is missing. Now my flock is complete."Oh, no! The man is missing his sheep! The woman is missing her coin! The father is missing his son! Can you help them find what they are looking for?Who Counts...
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By Amy-Jill Levine, Sandy Eisenberg Sasso
어? 하나는 어디있지? 어? 하나는 어디있지?>가
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By Amy-Jill Levine, Sandy Eisenberg Sasso
Blues and Yellows just don’t mix, and that’s how it’s always been. No one remembers why. But then comes the day Midnight Blue takes a tumble along the road. His friends Navy and Powder Blue don’t even stop to help! It’s only when a Yellow comes along...
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