Titles by: John A. Cairns
Author: John A. Cairns
John A. Cairns, recently retired as the Dean of the Academy for Faith & Life at the Fourth Presbyterian Church of Chicago, spent most of his forty-plus-year ministry in adult Christian education in the local church.
By John A. Cairns
The Bible is the source book of our Christian faith. It rightly occupies a central place in our study and devotional practice. Yet, it has always posed a challenge for those of us who try to read its words and grasp its message. It can be both famili...
By John A. Cairns
La Biblia es el libro que es la fuente de nuestra fe cristiana. Ocupa, con toda razn, un lugar central en nuestro estudio y la prctica devocional. Sin embargo, siempre ha planteado un desafo para aquellos/as de nosotros/as que tratamos de leer sus pa...